The order of these slide shows is only for reference. The organization of our SI sessions is flexible, and we can decide on the day whether to discuss the topics of the current week or the topics from the previous or following weeks.
Week 1: Kick off and What is Theory?
Week 2: Theory Traditions
Week 3: Symbolic Interactionism + Expectancy Violations Theory
Week 4: Social Penetration Theory + Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Week 5: Social Information Processing Theory + Relational Dialectics Theory
Week 6: Communication Privacy Management Theory + Media Multiplexity Theory
Week 7: Elaboration Likelihood Model
Week 9–10: Dramatism, Narrative, and Symbolic Convergence Theory
Week 11: Cultural Approaches to Organizations + Communcative Constitutions of Organizations
Week 12: Communication Accommodation theory + Face-negotiation Theory + Feminist Standpoint Theory
Week 13: Muted Group Theory + Media Ecology
Week 14: Semiotics + Uses and Gratifications
Week 15: Cultivation Theory + Agenda Setting