COMM 2100 with Kristen

Notes on the 5th-week class (Social Information Processing Theory & Relational Dialectics Theory)

Kristen Zhang / 2023-09-19

Table of Contents:

Social Information Processing Theory

A highly objective theory in the socio-psychological tradition.

Theorist: Joseph Walther

Core question: Is it possible to build strong interpersonal relationship only online (without nonverbal cues)? - CMC [Computer Mediated Communication]

CMC: More than computer.

1. Assumption

Assumption: Relationships grow only to the extent that people can gain information about each other.

Social Information —> Impression Formation —> Relationship Development

2. Feature of CMC

3. Hyper-personal Perspective: CMC relationships may be more intimate than those developed face-to-face

4. Warranting value: a reason to believe that the information is true

low warrant information: the information that can be manipulated easily

5. Critique

Relational Dialectics Theory

A highly interpretive theory in the tradition of socio-cultural.

Theorists: Leslie Baxter & Mikhail Bakhtin

1. Relational dialectics

Concept: the dynamics and unceasing struggle between discourses about interpersonal relationships.

Discourses can make up our relationships, and discourses can compete with each other.

constitutive dialogue: communication that creates, sustains, and alters relationship and the social world.

2. Main dialectics to affect relationships

Integration <—> Separation

Stability <—> Change

Expression <—> Non-expression

e.g., traditional vs. modern; secretcy vs. transparency.

3. Internal dialectics vs. External dialectics

External: competing the dialectics between the couple and their communities

Internal: competing the dialectics between the couple themselves

1)Internal dialectics

Connection — Autonomy

Certainty — Uncertainty

Openness — Closedness

2)External dialectics

Inclusion — Seclusion

Conventionality — Uniqueness

Revolution — Concealment

4. seperation & Interplay

Seperation: when we voice different discourses at different times

Interplay: when we voice different discourses at the same time

5. Critique