COMM 2100 with Kristen

Notes on the 4th-week class (Social Penetration Theory & Uncertainty Reduction Theory)

Kristen Zhang / 2023-09-12

Table of Contents:

1st Class, Tuesday, Social Penetration Theory

A highly objective theory in the socio-psychological tradition.

Theorist: Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor

1. Metaphor: Onion - everyone has their comfort level of sharing themselves

1)Closeness develops if individuals proceed in a gradual, orderly fashion from superficial to intimate.

2)Outer layer: how we present ourselves in public space

core: who we are at the core of ourselves

3)self-disclosure has both depth and breadth

breadth: how far we are willing to share (differnt topics)

depth: the degree of intimacy is going below (superficial-intimate-personal-core)

2. The result: how we regulate closeness

1)outcome (people regulate their closeness) = rewards - costs (people always maximize rewards but minimize costs)

We use comparison level and comparison level of alternative to compare the outcome.

2)relationship satisfaction: is gauged using the CL which is the threshold above which a relational outcome appears attractive. (especially based past experiences)

3)relationship stability: is gauged using CLalt, which is the best relational outcome currently available outside the relationship. (it’s about the options at the current moment)

3. Critiques

2nd Class, Thursday, Uncertainty Reduction Theory

A highly objective theory in the socio-psychological tradition.

Theorist: Charles Berger

He was inspired by the idea that we have initial doubts about someone. Why did we choose to reduce uncertainty?

1. Two ways of uncertainty


2. Eight truths (axioms) about initial uncertainty

axiom: self-evident truth that requires no additional testing/support

1)verbal comunication

As verbal communication increases, uncertainty decreases.

2)nonverbal warmth

As nonverbal warmth increases, uncertainty decreases.

3)information seeking

High level of uncertainty will cause increase in information seeking behavior.


High level of uncertainty will cause decrease in self-disclousre.


High level of uncertainty produce high risk of high reciprocity.


Similarity between persons reduces uncertainty.


Increases in uncertainty level decreases liking.

8)shared networks

The more people you have in common, the less uncertain you will be about them (not necessary like them).

3. The axioms combine to create 28 theorems

4. Uncertainty reduction in intercultural situations

when culture’s different, that uncertainty is highly. The greater the culture gap, the larger the likelihood that uncertainty will be produced.

And uncertainty (thought) produces anxiety (feeling).

5. Relational turbulence theory

explains how uncertainty affects people in ongoing relationships.

6. How do emotions impact the management of uncertainty?

The strength of the emotion is the motive force to contemplate three questions of efficacy.

7. Information seeking to reduce uncertainty

8. Critiques